Body Treatment

Unlock a new level of confidence

At Dr. K & Associates Clinic, our goal is to help you feel confident and comfortable in your own body. We offer a range of safe and effective treatments to address a variety of body concerns, including removing stubborn fat and treating specific skin conditions.

Body Treatment
Body Contouring Treatment - Mesolipolysis ​

Body Contouring - Mesolipolysis

The treatment is often described as ‘non-surgical liposuction’ because of its ability to reduce fat without surgery or downtime. A better alternative to liposuction, this technique uses fat-dissolving injections to target and effectively reduce small and stubborn fat pockets in your eyebags, jowls, double chin, abdomen, flanks, inner thighs and more.

When injected directly into fat pockets, it causes the fat cells to rupture and break down via the body’s usual metabolic process, resulting in a more contoured shape.

Treatment Benefits

Body Treatment Benefits

Reduced Localised Fat Deposits

Mesolipolysis reduces fat deposits in body areas that are difficult to target with diet and exercise alone.

Body Treatment Benefits: Reduced Localised Fat Deposits

Enhanced Body Contouring

The treatment can help improve your body contouring, giving you a more toned and sculpted appearance.

Body Treatment Benefits: Enhanced Body Contouring

Improved Skin Tightness

Mesolipolysis also enhances skin tightness and elasticity, resulting in smoother and firmer skin in the treated areas.

Body Treatment Benefits: Improved Skin Tightness

Non-Surgical & Minimally Invasive

A non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment, Mesolipolysis does not require general anaesthesia or extensive recovery time, making it a safe and convenient option for many patients.

Body Treatment Benefits: Non-Surgical & Minimally Invasive

Customisable Treatment Plans

Mesolipolysis can be tailored to suit the unique requirements of each patient, utilising varying concentrations of active ingredients based on the individual's body type, skin type, and treatment goals.

Doctor writing on clipboard during meeting with patient

Minimal Side Effects

Mesolipolysis is generally associated with minimal side effects, such as mild bruising or redness at the injection site, which usually resolve within a few days.

Prompt General & Skin Health Treatment

Treatment Benefits

Body Treatment Benefits

Reduced Localised Fat Deposits

Mesolipolysis reduces fat deposits in body areas that are difficult to target with diet and exercise alone.

Body Treatment Benefits: Reduced Localised Fat Deposits

Enhanced Body Contouring

The treatment can help improve your body contouring, giving you a more toned and sculpted appearance.

Body Treatment Benefits: Enhanced Body Contouring

Improved Skin Tightness

Mesolipolysis also enhances skin tightness and elasticity, resulting in smoother and firmer skin in the treated areas.

Body Treatment Benefits: Improved Skin Tightness

Non-Surgical & Minimally Invasive

A non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment, Mesolipolysis does not require general anaesthesia or extensive recovery time, making it a safe and convenient option for many patients.

Body Treatment Benefits: Non-Surgical & Minimally Invasive

Customisable Treatment Plans

Mesolipolysis can be tailored to suit the unique requirements of each patient, utilising varying concentrations of active ingredients based on the individual's body type, skin type, and treatment goals.

Doctor writing on clipboard during meeting with patient

Minimal Side Effects

Mesolipolysis is generally associated with minimal side effects, such as mild bruising or redness at the injection site, which usually resolve within a few days.

Prompt General & Skin Health Treatment

Treatment For Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Sweating is a natural mechanism our bodies employ to regulate temperature. However, for some people, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can be a challenging and uncomfortable condition.

Fortunately, non-surgical treatments, such as Botox injections, are available to manage hyperhidrosis. In fact, medical studies have shown that Botox can effectively reduce excessive sweating by up to 80%.

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Treatment For Weight Loss

Saxenda is designed to support you throughout your weight loss journey. This specially formulated weight-loss injection is aimed at helping individuals not only lose weight but also keep it off.

By targeting the appetite-controlling areas of your brain, Saxenda reduces cravings and increases energy levels. This, in turn, makes it easier to exercise and burn calories, effectively aiding your weight loss efforts.

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